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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Traffic history checks for passenger transport driver authorisations

A passenger service driver must demonstrate that they possess a safe driving record to ensure the public's safety is not at risk when travelling on a passenger service.

In the interests of public safety, the following assessment criteria are applied to an applicant's traffic history:

  • the severity of the traffic offences
  • whether the offences occurred in a public passenger vehicle
  • the frequency of the offences
  • when the offences occurred.

Where a person is deemed to have an inappropriate traffic history, their application may be refused, a waiting time imposed, or the driver authorisation issued for a restricted period of time. In some cases, the holder of a driver authorisation may have their authority amended, suspended or cancelled if their driving history is considered unsuitable.

A person with a current alcohol interlock condition on their driver licence is not eligible to apply for driver authorisation.
For more information about the department’s criteria for assessing a person’s driving history please read the Effect of a Driving History  information bulletin. 

Suspended or cancelled driver licence

If your driver licence is suspended or cancelled—your driver authorisation is automatically suspended or cancelled.

If the driver licence of a person who holds driver authorisation is suspended, cancelled or disqualified for either demerit points, drink driving or a State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER) suspension, the driver authorisation is automatically suspended, cancelled or disqualified.

If a driver authorisation has been suspended by State Penalties Enforcement Registry, the driver authorisation holder must go to a Department of Transport and Main Roads customer service centre to have their driver authorisation reinstated.

Note: Please be aware that in the event of your driver licence being suspended by State Penalties Enforcement Registry, it is an offence under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 to drive a vehicle, and heavy penalties may be incurred.

Last updated 31 July 2023