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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Toll roads

Transport and Main Roads manages the policy and legislative framework for toll roads in Queensland, under the provisions of the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994.

Queensland toll roads use free-flow (electronic) tolling. Free-flow tolling means that there are no toll booths on the road to accept toll payments. Motorists are required to arrange toll payments within 3 days of travel through a toll payment provider.

In Queensland, the toll payment provider is Linkt. To pay your toll please contact Linkt on 13 33 31 or at Motorists may use their existing account arrangements with Linkt or any other Australian toll service provider to pay for their toll road travel in Queensland.

Toll road operators

Tolls apply to the following roads:

  • Gateway Motorway
  • Logan Motorway
  • Clem Jones Tunnel (CLEM7)
  • Go Between Bridge
  • Legacy Way
  • AirportLinkM7
  • Toowoomba Bypass

All toll roads in Brisbane are operated by Transurban Queensland. The Gateway and Logan motorways and AirportlinkM7 are operated under long term concession agreements with the state. The CLEM7, Go Between Bridge and Legacy Way are operated under long term agreements with Brisbane City Council.

Toowoomba Bypass toll road is owned by the Department of Transport and Main Roads with tolling services provided by Transurban Queensland. 

Gateway and Logan motorways

Queensland Motorways network map – The Gateway Motorway and Logan Motorway are state toll roads, operated by Transurban Queensland (formerly Queensland Motorways Limited) under a Road Franchise Agreement.

Queensland Motorways Limited Road Franchise Agreement – Road Franchise Agreement between the State of Queensland (the state) and Queensland Motorways Limited, the Gateway Bridge Company Limited and Logan Motorway Company Limited (franchisees).


AirportlinkM7 Project Deed – Project Deed for the construction and operation of AirportlinkM7 between the State of Queensland (the state) and BrisConnections Operations Pty Limited (BC Operations) and BrisConnections Nominee Company Pty Ltd (BC Trustee) as trustee of the BrisConnections Asset Trust (BC Asset Trust)(PPP Cos).

Toowoomba Bypass

The Toowoomba Bypass (previously known as Toowoomba Second Range Crossing) is an alternative crossing of the Toowoomba Range.

Tolls will contribute towards the operation and maintenance costs of the Toowoomba Bypass. Visit the Linkt website to find out more about toll costs and paying a toll.

Last updated 24 May 2022