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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Q-Ride registered service providers

Q-Ride registered service providers

Q-Ride registered service providers focus on:

  • improving the quality of motorcycle learner rider training
  • boosting education and awareness
  • enhancing road safety.

Only Q-Ride registered service providers can deliver the Q-Ride training curriculum to learner motorcycle riders. If the Q-Ride registered service provider is not an accredited rider trainer, they must employ, or engage, a person who is an accredited rider trainer to deliver the Q-Ride training curriculum.

Apply to become a Q-Ride registered service provider

To apply to become a Q-Ride registered service provider you need to:

  • complete a Q-Ride registered service provider new/renew/amend application form (F3946
  • visit a Department of Transport and Main Roads Customer Service Centre to apply for and pay the applicable fee for a police criminal history check – we don't accept a Police Certificate that you supply
  • submit a completed application form with all relevant documentation
    • in person at Transport and Main Roads customer service centre 
    • by email, including your criminal history check receipt, to the Industry Licensing team at

Renew your Q-Ride registration

To continue as a Q-Ride registered service provider you must renew your Q-Ride registered service provider registration before it expires.

You cannot provide Q-Ride training if your registration is expired.

To renew your registration, you must:

  • complete the Q-Ride registered service provider new/renew/amend application form (F3946)
  • provide a copy of your current Public Liability insurance policy with a minimum of $10 million stating the Department of Transport and Main Roads as a third party
  • evidence of the registered service provider's legal entity—a copy of the business name extract or full company extract from the Australian Securities and Investment Commission
  • pay a criminal history check fee of $49.30, for each person listed in the application at a Department of Transport and Main Roads Customer Service Centre who will undertake the police criminal history check on your behalf (a Police Certificate supplied by the applicant is not acceptable).

Submit your application

Email an electronic copy of your Q-Ride registered service provider renewal application, criminal history check receipt and any attachments to

Cancel your Q-Ride registration

A Q-Ride registered service provider may voluntarily cancel their registration at any time.

A Q-Ride registered service provider must notify the Q-Ride Administrator if, as an individual or business, it becomes insolvent under administration or is being wound up as it is immediately cancelled if, as a business, the business is wound up.

A Q-Ride registered service provider registration is immediately cancelled if, as an individual, the individual dies or becomes an insolvent under administration.

To cancel your registration, you must notify the Q-Ride Administrator in writing and return the following documents:

  • a signed letter of surrender of registration—including the date of surrender and address of the secure storage place
  • all unused paper-based Q-Ride Competency Declaration Certificates
  • evidence of the request to remove all advertising.

When a Q-Ride registered service provider surrenders their registration, they must keep their training records for a minimum of 5 years from the date the record was made in a secure storage place. The training records must remain available for inspection by the department.

All unused paper-based competency declaration certificates must be returned to the department within 14 days if you choose to let the registration lapse.

Submit your cancellation

Email your notification of cancellation and any attachments to

Nominate a person to sign Q-Ride competency declarations

Only an approved Q-Ride registered service provider can complete a Q-Ride Competency Declaration. However, a Q-Ride registered service provider may nominate a person to complete a Q-Ride Competency Declaration on their behalf.

To nominate a person to complete a Q-Ride Competency Declaration, the registered service provider must:

Become a senior rider trainer

A Q-Ride registered service provider with 3 or more accredited rider trainers must have at least 1 senior rider trainer. A senior rider trainer provides training and support to Q-Ride accredited rider trainers and incoming rider trainer applicants. The role supports the quality of motorcycle rider training delivered under the Q-Ride scheme for consistent student experience and road safety for motorcycle riders. You can find information about the role of a senior trainer in the Q-Ride scheme in the Business Rules for providing Q-Ride training.

Find a Q-Ride registered service provider

Contact your nearest Q-Ride registered service provider for locations, training and costs.

Q-Ride enquiries

The Department of Transport and Main Roads is responsible for the administration and management of the Q-Ride Scheme. Email with any enquiries.

For more information

Further information and resources

Q-Ride forms

Related legislation

Last updated 1 July 2024

Related information

Fee increase

On 1 July 2024, fees were frozen at their current level for 1 year to ease cost-of-living pressures for Queenslanders. Usually, fees increase each year due to indexation. The freeze will mean that fees will not increase on 1 July 2024 as they normally would.

Goods and services tax (GST) notice

Unless indicated, our fees do not attract goods and services tax.