Currumbin Creek Road – Bienvenue Drive intersection upgrade

The intersection of Currumbin Creek Road and Bienvenue Drive, at Currumbin Waters will be upgraded.

The proposed design for this intersection aims to reduce congestion and improve safety.


  • Improves safety
  • Improves network efficiency
  • Increases traffic flow
  • Reduces peak hour congestion
  • Contributes to economy
  • Better active transport
  • Improves ride quality

Key features

  • Increased storage capacity for through traffic.
  • Extension of the right turning lane on Currumbin Creek Road into Bienvenue Drive.
  • Creating a signalised left turn slip lane onto Bienvenue Drive.
  • Traffic signal upgrades.
  • Adding a 4th pedestrian leg on the southern side of the intersection.
  • Upgrades to street lighting, drainage, bicycle infrastructure, bus stops and signage.


The project is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments.

Investment ID 1776744.

Project cost and timing subject to confirmation following market engagement and consideration. Funding splits subject to further consideration and negotiation with the Australian Government.

Total investment
$10 million
Australian Government
$2 million
Queensland Government
$8 million

Current status

The community provided feedback on the design in July 2022. Feedback was reviewed by the project team and the design has progressed.

Project design concept

Design concept that shows an overview of the upgrades to the Currumbin Creek Road and Bienvenue Drive intersection.


The map is an overview of Currumbin Creek Road and Bienvenue Drive intersection at Currumbin Waters.

The overview shows:

  • informal street parking will be removed in 2 locations on Currumbin Creek Road
  • existing left turn into 'The Meadows' will be widened 
  • existing northbound bus stop will remain
  • additional lane and merges will be added on Currumbin Creek Road
  • new bicycle lane on Currumbin Creek Road
  • outside of 'The Meadows' and on the corner of Currumbin Creek Road and Bienvenue Drive existing trees will be removed 
  • the bus stop in front of 'The Meadows' will be relocated
  • a dedicated left turn slip lane from Currumbin Creek Road to Bienvenue Drive
  • additional signalised pedestrian crossing within the intersection
  • right turn lane into Bienvenue Drive will be extended
  • on Bienvenue Drive, an additional right turn lane from Bienvenue Drive to Currumbin Creek Road.