Ipswich-Cunningham Highway Connection Road (Brisbane Road), Chermside Road and Glebe Road (East Ipswich Fiveways), improve intersection Consultation summary report

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We undertook planning for the Ipswich-Cunningham Highway Connection Road (Brisbane Road), Chermside Road and Glebe Road (East Ipswich Fiveways) intersection improvement in East Ipswich.

This intersection is one of the most congested signalised intersections within the Ipswich area. This intersection is also known as the ‘fiveways’, referencing the five streets that intersect, including Brisbane Road, Glebe Road, Queen Victoria Parade and Chermside Road running north and south of the intersection.

A business case for the upgrade of the intersection was completed in 2015 which identified a preferred design.

The intersection improvement proposed to reconfigure Glebe Road into a cul-de-sac, ultimately improving safety and traffic flow by removing one movement at the intersection.


Community consultation on the proposed intersection improvements we completed between 18 March 2021 and 30 April 2021.

Community consultation was completed by:

  • community notification flyer
  • email notification
  • community information sessions
  • media coverage
  • social media posts
  • web page

125 responses were received through:

  • 77 emailed feedback forms
  • 29 community information sessions
  • 17 phone calls
  • 2 letters

Summary of feedback

Of the 125 responses we received, 113 were from unique/individual responses, some people contacted us more than once.

Responses received of the proposed intersection improvements:

  • 70% were not supportive
  • 18% were supportive
  • 7% were not supportive, however, agree with some of the improvements
  • 5% were neutral
Key themes from supportive responses
  • Support to reconfigure Glebe Road into a cul-de-sac so through-traffic can no longer use Glebe Road to avoid using Brisbane Road.
  • Support that something needs to be done to assist with congestion or safety to Ipswich roads.
  • Support for improved pedestrian crossing safety for the community, businesses and schools in the area.
  • Support that the closure of Glebe Road might assist as part of longer-term planning for the proposed Norman Street Bridge.
  • Support to have more green time at the traffic signals for Brisbane Road.
Key themes and concerns from responses
  • Concern about reconfiguring Glebe Road into a cul-de-sac, as it will cause more congestion and impact traffic flow.
  • Wants to keep the intersection as it is; it is fine already with the 5 approaches.
  • Concern regarding increased traffic and ‘rat running’ on nearby narrow local streets including Rockton Street, Whitehill Road and Blackstone Road.
  • Concern the project will not improve congestion or safety.
  • Concern that Brisbane Road will be even more congested and have more accidents.
  • Glebe Road is a great access road to Newtown and other suburbs behind, including Silkstone and Booval.
  • Glebe Road provides direct transport through the suburbs, to schools and shops.
  • Concern about emergency service vehicle routes, as Glebe Road is wide and accessible to other areas and closing Glebe Road will impact emergency services.
  • The funding of $10 million is a waste of money for this work and money should be spent on other suitable locations in Ipswich, such as Gibbon Street/Montauban Street intersection (locally referred as the “Suicide Bend”).
  • Congestion already exists at peak hour during pick-up and drop-off time around the Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School precinct and this project will make it worse.
  • Parking on side streets/local streets in the vicinity could be impacted.
  • Bus services and routes will be impacted.
  • Impact (congestion and safety) on uncontrolled intersections along Blackstone Road and Chermside Road is important.
  • Concern about privately owned heritage houses in the local streets, and any impact with the changes and more traffic.
Response recommendations
  • Some support for the project, if a right-turn movement from Brisbane Road to Chermside Road (north) is included.
  • Request to improve the Brisbane Road/Gibbon Street/Montauban Street intersection.
  • Some support for a left turn dedicated lane from Brisbane Road (east) to Chermside Road (south).
  • Build an overpass near Chermside Road/Brisbane Road areas.
  • If this intersection links with the Norman Street Bridge project, it will be beneficial.
  • Suggestion to have a roundabout at the ‘fiveways’.
  • Install traffic calming (speed bumps and so on) on local streets.
  • Signalise other local street and intersections.
  • Reduce speed limits in some local streets.
  • Ban ‘rat running’ on surrounding local streets.
  • Not to move/relocate bus stops on Whitehill Road.

Next steps

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the community consultation process for the Ipswich-Cunningham Highway Connection Road (Brisbane Road), Chermside Road and Glebe Road (East Ipswich Fiveways), intersection improvement in East Ipswich.

Feedback received from the community and stakeholders reinforces the need for a more significant upgrade and has helped inform further planning activities.

We will deliver a business case for a right-turn lane from Brisbane Road into Chermside Road and undertake long-term planning to upgrade the Montauban Street, Gibbon Street and Lusitania Street intersections along Brisbane Road. Further community engagement will occur as the projects progress.

We are also investigating safety improvements on Limestone Street at the intersections with Thorn Street and Gordon Street. Design phase is currently underway and we will provide more information to the community as the design progresses.