Kennedy Highway (Cairns - Mareeba), Kuranda Range, Intelligent Transport System Frequently asked questions

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This page provides questions and answers about the project and the variable speed limit that will be implemented as part of the project.

About the variable speed limit


About the variable speed limit

When will TMR reduce the speed limit on Kuranda Range Road?

TMR will reduce the speed limit when it will improve safety for road users. For example:

  • when road surface conditions deteriorate due to wet weather. 
  • when a traffic lane is closed due to a landslip
  • when drivers are approaching changed traffic conditions caused by a crash or roadworks

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Is the variable speed limit enforceable?

Yes, the variable speed limit is enforceable. Two speed camaras will be installed on Kuranda Range Road to support enforcement.

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How do the enforceable speed cameras know what the speed limit is at any given time?

The speed cameras will have an additional camera that is directed at the variable speed limit sign close to the speed camera. Changes on the variable speed limit signs will be registered in real time.

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What is the legal speed limit if the variable speed limit signs are not working?

A static speed limit sign is placed under every variable speed limit sign. The speed limit on the static signs is the legal speed when the variable speed limit signs are blank.

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Can the speed limit be reduced for a specific section of Kuranda Range Road, or will it always be for the whole road?

The ITS technology allows for a total speed limit reduction or on a specific section only, if required.

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When will the speed limit go back up to the normal speed limit?

Once the conditions on the road have improved and it safe to do so, the speed limit will go back to the normal speed limit.

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Does the ITS technology automatically change the speed limit, or it this a decision for TMR staff?

During office hours, a local Traffic Management Centre operator will make the decision to reduce the speed limit, based on set protocols. Outside office hours, the software will have automated protocols to manage the speed limit. The state-wide Traffic Management Centre in Brisbane, that operates 24/7, will be alerted, if required.

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Will TMR raise the speed limit on Kuranda Range Road in certain situations?

No. TMR has determined that 60 km/h (and 70 km/h at the overtaking lane) is the appropriate speed limit in accordance with statewide guidelines. TMR does not intend to increase the speed limit at this time.

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Will the speed limit be reduced if a cassowary sighting has been reported?

If a cassowary has been sighted in the section where the ITS stations are located, TMR can decide to lower the speed limit and to display a cassowary warning message on the large VMS signs on the approaches to Kuranda Range Road.

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How will the ITS technology assist TMR in responding to incidents on Kuranda Range Road?

The technology will allow TMR to monitor changes in traffic behaviour for example, traffic that is slowing down or stopped. These changes will trigger an alert to TMR Traffic Management Centre operators. The CCTV cameras will show the operators what is going at that location, and they can immediately action the appropriate response.

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How are the ITS stations connected?

The backbone of the ITS network is an underground conduit network that is more than 7 kilometres long that provides power and communications to the ITS stations.

The network is future-proof and new technologies can be installed when required. 

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What happens if there is a power outage? Will the technology still work?

The ITS stations are backed-up with batteries. In case of a power outage, the ITS stations will still work for up to four days.

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Can the ITS technology be used to inform road users of expected closure times?

TMR will use the ITS technology to inform road users about the road conditions and closures via QLDTraffic, 13 19 40, the variable message signs on the approaches to Kuranda Range Road and the sms traffic alert service

Unfortunately, we cannot predict how long a closure will last, as there are many factors that influence the closure time (weather, severity of the incident, availability of crews and materials and so on).

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I'm concerned about my privacy. What happens to the data the ITS stations collect?

The ITS system collects data for traffic purposes only. TMR is required to comply with privacy legislation and will not use the data for other purposes that traffic monitoring, unless requested to do so by authorities under existing laws.

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Is the ITS technology used on Kuranda Range Road similar to the Managed Motorways technology in Southeast Queensland?

Yes, the technology itself is very similar. How the technology is used is tailored for the unique conditions on and around Kuranda Range Road. 

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