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Department of Transport and Main Roads


Air quality

Air pollution is an environmental concern for the whole community. It affects our health and our quality of life.

Industry and transport systems are major contributors to air pollution and greenhouse gases.

The Queensland Department of Environment and Science (DES), in collaboration with industry partners, operates an air quality monitoring network across the state.

Data from the monitoring network is presented online as ambient concentration, air quality categories and smoke and dust health action levels which are updated hourly.

The department, in partnership with other government agencies, undertakes activities to ensure transport has minimal detrimental impacts to air quality. We also contribute national and state air quality response strategies.


Aircare is a vehicle emissions action plan—a key project within the Integrated Regional Transport Plan for south-east Queensland. The strategy, which aims to reduce motor vehicle air pollution, looks at transport challenges facing the region over the next 25 years.

Aircare activities include:

  • supporting new Australian Design Rules to improve vehicle emissions standards
  • supporting the introduction of low-polluting fuels for urban passenger and freight transport
  • operating the online smoky vehicle reporting form
  • supporting improved vehicle tuning and maintenance.
Last updated 23 December 2023