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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Step 5 using the annual reporting form

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Booked hire trips worksheet

BEA holders need to report summary information about the number of booked hire trips they arrange each financial year, regardless of whether the trips are provided in a taxi, limousine or booked hire vehicle. Make sure you keep this information during the year, so you can report on it when required. 

Report the number of trips by the postcode where the trips began. Postcodes are a four-digit number. Don't include the suburb name with the postcode.

Rank and hail trips worksheet

If you provide rank and hail services for taxis, you also need to provide summary information about the number of rank and hail trips provided. If you don't provide these services, leave this worksheet blank.

Report the number of trips by the taxi service area where the trips began.

Last updated 27 November 2019