Walkerston Bypass

The Walkerston Bypass will deliver a new 2-lane rural highway to connect Peak Downs Highway west of Walkerston to the Mackay Ring Road near Paget.

The new Walkerston Bypass will become the designated heavy vehicle route for B-double and other multi-combination vehicles, including A-double road trains, between the Bruce Highway and the Peak Downs Highway.


  • Improves safety
  • Increases capacity
  • Improves flood immunity
  • Contributes to economy
  • Contributes to regional growth
  • Improves network efficiency

Key features

  • A new bridge with improved flood immunity over Bakers Creek. 
  • 3 new road overpasses above the local cane railway network.
  • Re-direct heavy vehicles away from local schools, retail and medical facilities in Walkerston.
  • Remove heavy vehicle and local traffic interactions through Walkerston.
  • Direct route for heavy vehicles required by Bowen Basin coal producers.
  • Extend the life of a 74-year-old bridge, adjacent to a school yard.
  • Reduces congestion through Walkerston.
  • Integrate with existing works on the Peak Downs Highway–Eton Range Upgrade and Mackay Ring Road (Stage 1).


The project is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments. Investment ID 455240

Total investment
$251.7 million
Australian Government
$181.83 million
Queensland Government
$69.87 million

Current status

Tender for construction was awarded to Fulton Hogan Pty Ltd and main construction started in May 2022.

Key milestones
  • September 2020: tenders for construction called
  • October 2020: detailed design completed
  • May 2022: construction started
  • Late 2024: construction due for completion.
Walkerston Bypass location map 

Walkerston Bypass map detail several upgrades