Cape York Region Package Stage 2

The Cape York Region Package Stage 2 is a program of works to deliver infrastructure upgrades on the Cape York Peninsula between 2019-2020 and 2023-2024.


  • Improves network resilience
  • Improves network efficiency
  • Reduces travel time
  • Reduces maintenance
  • Improves safety
  • Contributes to regional growth

Key features

Cape York Region Package Stage 2 includes:

  • $275.62 million to progressively seal priority sections of the Peninsula Developmental Road
  • $47.5 million to progressively seal priority sections of community access roads.


Total investment
$323.12 million
Australian Government
$275.62 million
Queensland Government
$47.5 million

Archer River

Cape York Region Package Stage 2

Video description

The video shows footage of unsealed sections and bitumen sealing on Fairview West Part B on Peninsula Developmental Road. A view of the dirt road from the driver’s perspective is shown, followed by an overhead shot of the newly paved section of road. Footage of driver following behind grader on unsealed section of road, followed by aerial footage of truck spraying bitumen seal onto dirt road.

The following text is displayed on screen over these scenes:

We're hitting the red dirt, investing $237.5 million to seal 55km of the Peninsula Developmental Road and 72km of community access roads to connect Cape York.

Peninsula Developmental Road

The Peninsula Developmental Road (PDR) subprogram features 11 projects:
  • eight pave and seal projects on the Peninsula Developmental Road between Laura and Coen
  • one pave and seal project north of the Archer River, including the Aurukun Access Road intersection
  • construction of the Archer River Bridge southern approach
  • construction of the Archer River Bridge.

Cape York Region Package Stage 2 will seal about 55km of the Peninsula Developmental Road, leaving about 145km remaining unsealed.

Scholarship program

Since 2017, the department has offered Peninsula Developmental Road Scholarships to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students as part of the Peninsula Development Road Indigenous Land Use Agreement within the Cape York Region Package. Scholarship funds are to be used to cover educational expenses, including tertiary fees. The program has been extended through to 2028 with 6 student scholarships offered each year.

For 2025, we're offering:

  • 4 high school scholarships valued at $2,250 each—$750 per year over 3 years.
  • 2 tertiary scholarships valued at $40,000 each—$10,000 per year over 4 years.

2025 scholarship applications are now open.

map of work being undertaken at Cape York

Community Access Roads Program

In partnership with the Torres and Cape Indigenous Council Alliance (TCICA) we are also finalising a program of works to upgrade unsealed sections of primary road access to a number of remote Cape York communities.

Community Access Roads Program upgrade to seal map

Torres Cape Indigenous Council Alliance Access Roads Map reference Total seal (km) Scope
Pormpuraaw Access Road 1 1.9 Replace Colman River causeway and seal
2 5 Bitumen seal including drainage
3 6.5 Bitumen seal including drainage
4 7 Bitumen seal including drainage
Portland Roads Road (Lockhart River Access Road) 5 5.4 Bitumen seal including drainage
7 1 Large drainage structure (Claudie River - Western)
Aurukun Access Road 8 8 Bitumen seal including drainage
9 6 Bitumen seal including drainage
10 6 Bitumen seal including drainage
11 1.8 Bitumen seal including drainage
Northern Peninsula Road 12 8.4 Bitumen seal including drainage
13 11.9 Bitumen seal including drainage