Manly Boat Harbour

The Manly Boat Harbour is an integral part of the bayside’s social, cultural and economic landscape. We are currently undertaking a master planning process to help guide future activities at the boat harbour.

Manly Boat Harbour is 1 of 8 state owned and operated boat harbours on the Queensland coast and hosts dry standings and wet berths, plus 2 public boat ramps (one at each end of the harbour). The Manly Boat Harbour offers boating and cruising yacht facilities of particular significance for Australia's eastern seaboard.

The current function of Manly Boat Harbour is to:

  • provide safe and efficient access and refuge for recreational and commercial vessels
  • promote activities that are commercially and environmentally sustainable, support the maritime industry, and generate local employment and tourism.


  • Contributes to economy
  • Contributes to regional growth
  • Improves safety

Key features

We are now creating a master plan for the Manly Boat Harbour. The master plan will:

  • establish a new long-term vision
  • continue to provide safe and efficient access to Queensland waters
  • continue to provide berthing for recreational and commercial vessels
  • continue to promote activities that are commercially and environmentally sustainable, support the maritime industry, and generate local employment and tourism
  • identify potential opportunities and constraints
  • support the development of a sense of identity, increased activity and connections 
  • support leasing and investment decisions. 

Current status

We are now in the detailed stages of preparing a draft master plan for Manly Boat Harbour for public consultation. The master plan will be informed by:

  • community feedback that we gathered in August 2020
  • technical information and analysis including:
    • marine infrastructure and operations
    • economics, supply chain and tourism
    • land and marine environmental values
    • property and leasing 
    • planning and urban design
    • noise and air quality
  • more targeted stakeholder engagement. 

You will have the opportunity to have your say during public consultation on the draft master plan prior to its updating and finalisation.

Project timeline overview

  • August 2020 Preplanning early community engagement was completed.
  • Early 2022 to late 2024 Preparing supporting technical assessments, reviewing community feedback, and draft master plan preparation.
  • Early 2025 Community consultation for the draft master plan is anticipated to occur.
  • Mid-Late 2025 Master plan anticipated to be finalised.

Early community engagement 

From 22 June to 14 August 2020, we undertook early community engagement to better understand what you value about the harbour, how you use the harbour and gather ideas about future use. 

Manly Boat Harbour engagement in numbers

  • 7.5 week engagement period
  • 14,560 postcards delivered to Wynnum, Manly and Lota postcodes
  • 5,357 visits to the project webpage
  • 562 responses from the community

Download the latest engagement update

Thank you everyone who shared their thoughts and ideas. Your insights will be used to inform the master planning.