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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Investment helps rehabilitate and improve active transport infrastructure

6 people riding bikes on a shared path with railings on both sides
Funding supports off-road cycleways to be maintained and improved.


Action 1.7: Allocate $4.22 million between 2019–20 and 2020–21 through the Active Transport Investment Program to rehabilitate and improve existing TMR off-road cycleways and publish technical guidance on cycleway maintenance for general use by road authorities and their contractors.

Lead agency: Department of Transport and Main Roads

Status: Complete


We allocated $4.22 million through the Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program 2024–25 to 2027–28 to support Active Transport Programmed Maintenance and Rehabilitation.

This funding delivered the Active Transport Rehabilitation and Improvement Program, including the development of comprehensive program guidelines and Asset Review and Project Development Requirements. This suite of documents provides our staff and contractors responsible for managing our assets with a clear process for scoping, developing, packaging, prioritising and delivering projects that:

  • are appropriate and meet program objectives
  • achieve value for money
  • are fit-for-purpose and support more people to ride more often.

The funding also supported our regions to improve and rehabilitate existing state-owned, off-road cycle and shared paths. Projects included:

  • rehabilitation and improvements to sections of the Veloway 1, Centenary Cycleway and Ipswich Motorway Cycleway
  • lighting improvements along the Veloway 1 and Centenary Cycleway
  • audits to inform future rehabilitation and improvements.

Next steps

We will continue to provide funding to support the ongoing improvement and rehabilitation of our owned and managed off-road cycling facilities.

The funding will be embedded in our Maintenance, Preservation and Environment and Road Operations investment programs to make maintaining our active transport assets part of everyday business.

Last updated 11 June 2024