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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Promoting safety for cyclists and heavy vehicle drivers


Action 3.7: Investigate opportunities to address safety issues surrounding heavy vehicles without blind spot technology through the Strategic Vehicle Safety and Environment Group.

Lead agency: Department of Transport and Main Roads

Status: Complete


We have been widely promoting safety messages to increase heavy vehicle driver awareness of bicycle riders, especially those driving vehicles without blind spot technology.

The 2018 Road Rules Communication Action Plan has been delivered. As part of this, social media has been used to educate heavy vehicle road users and bicycle riders on using the road safely. Specific messages were included highlighting the danger of heavy vehicle blind spots, developed in consultation with the Queensland and Australian trucking associations.

By promoting awareness and positive attitudes, these strategies will help improve the safety of all road users.

Next steps

We will continue to publish social media posts and other communications that promote positive and safe interactions between heavy vehicles and bicycle riders through the delivery of the 2019 Road Rules Communication Action Plan.

Last updated 25 August 2023