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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Changing attitudes and behaviour towards bike riders through traditional and social media

A child riding a bike next to an older person on a recumbent trike, on a downhill concrete path in a grassy area.
Bike riding language and images used in the media can help shift community attitudes and behaviours.


Action 5.2: Research negative attitudes and behaviour towards bicycle riders to help understand how to influence the portrayal of bicycle riding in the media.

Lead agency: Department of Transport and Main Roads

Status: Complete


We conducted a desktop analysis and literature review and found significant research had already been done on negative attitudes and behaviour towards bicycle riders.

Based on this research, we developed a Bike Riding Media Toolkit. The toolkit contains positive messaging to respond to media enquiries and coverage and social media commentary about bike riding.

It includes bike riding crash data and comparative infringement data for Queensland bicycle riders and motor vehicle drivers, providing important additional context to address the common misconception that bike riders commonly disobey road rules.

The toolkit supports our officers to give information that is timely, consistent and factual to media and the community and help change attitudes and behaviour towards bike riders through media channels.

Next steps

We will review the toolkit regularly to make sure the information is up to date as new research emerges and updated data is available.

Last updated 7 September 2023