Pacific Motorway M1 North upgrade program

The Pacific Motorway M1 North upgrade program is being delivered in a 3-stage rolling program from north to south:


  • Improves safety
  • Increases traffic flow
  • Reduces peak hour congestion
  • Contributes to economy
  • Better road access
  • Increases capacity

19 Projects in Pacific Motorway M1 North upgrade program

Burdekin River Bridge

Burdekin River Bridge, rehabilitation program

The department is undertaking the rehabilitation and maintenance program for the Burdekin River Bridge to preserve the structural integrity of the bridge. The ongoing program will ensure a safe and durable crossing is maintained for the long-term use of vehicles, heavy transport operators, rail operations, bicycle riders and pedestrians.

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Bruce Highway (Bowen-Ayr), Inkerman overtaking lane and safety improvement projects

Safety on the Bruce Highway at Inkerman will be improved through the installation of new northbound overtaking opportunity and upgrades to the Mount Inkerman Road intersection.

Gairloch floodway on the Bruce Highway north of Ingham

Bruce Highway (Ingham – Innisfail), Gairloch Floodway, improve safety

Planning has started to improve safety and reduce the time of closure due to flooding on a complex section of the Bruce Highway at the Gairloch floodway, approximately 6km north of Ingham.

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Bruce Highway (Townsville to Ingham) safety improvements and rest area upgrade projects

Bruce Highway works, between Townsville and Ingham, are underway to improve safety and upgrade a rest area.

Project location map of Leichhardt Creek to Abergowrie Road construction area to widen pavement.

Bruce Highway (Townsville-Ingham), Leichhardt Creek to Abergowrie Road, widen pavement and improve safety

Bruce Highway upgrades between Leichhardt Creek and Cassowary Creek (about 42km north of Townsville).

The map shows the locality of the existing Bruce Highway, from south of Ingham, north through the Gairloch floodway and up to the Cardwell Range. Cardwell is northeast of the map. A solid dark blue line west of the Bruce Highway indicates the current proposed Ingham to Cardwell deviation project corridor. This is known as the Western 2A Deviation, which has been gazetted as future state-controlled road. The local road network, including Halifax Road and Lannercost Street are also highlighted on the map.

Bruce Highway, (Ingham – Innisfail) Ingham to Cardwell Range Deviation, plan and preserve corridor

The department has been actively working with the community to address the challenges associated with the Bruce Highway from South of Ingham to the Cardwell Range.

Douglas Garbutt Road - Safe Roads Projects in Townsville

Douglas – Garbutt Road (Townsville), various locations (Stage 1), improve intersections

Safety upgrades will be carried out at various locations along Douglas – Garbutt Road.

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Garbutt - Upper Ross Road (Riverway Drive) (Stage 2), Allambie Lane to Dunlop Street, duplicate to four lanes

This project will deliver upgrades to Riverway Drive, between Allambie Lane and Dunlop Street, to improve safety and alleviate traffic congestion.

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Gregory Developmental Road (Charters Towers - Lynd), package of works

The package of Gregory Developmental Road upgrades is delivering a stronger and wider surface, improving travelling conditions for motorists and upgraded a major culvert to improve flood resilience.

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North Queensland Principal Cycle Network, Townsville City Centre to James Cook University

The Townsville City Centre to James Cook University bikeway planning project will establish a long-term vision to provide a fit-for-purpose, interconnected and safe bike route between the Townsville City Centre and the University Drive underpass in Annandale.

North Ward Road, Townsville - Safer Roads Projects program in Townsville

North Ward Road (Townsville), various locations (Stage 1), improve intersections

Safety upgrades will be carried out at various locations along North Ward Road.

Aerial view of Pacific Motorway through Springwood

Pacific Motorway (M1) – Daisy Hill to Logan Motorway upgrade

Planning is underway for the Pacific Motorway (M1) – Daisy Hill to Logan Motorway upgrade. This section of the M1 cannot accommodate current traffic volumes and, as a result, experiences frequent and prolonged periods of congestion and poor travel time reliability.

M1 M3 Gateway merge

Pacific Motorway Upgrade M1 M3 Gateway merge

Construction to upgrade the M1/M3 Gateway merge to improve safety and reduce peak hour congestion was completed in May 2020.

An aerial view of the Pacific Motorway Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill upgrade project.

Pacific Motorway, Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill Upgrade

Work is being undertaken on the Pacific Motorway, Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill Upgrade, to improve 8kms of the Pacific Motorway (M1) between the Gateway Motorway and Watland Street.

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Townsville Connection Road (Idalia), University Road to Bowen Road Bridge, improve safety

The Townsville Connection Road is being upgraded to dual lanes between University Road and Bowen Road Bridge. The project includes upgrades at 3 intersections: Gartrell Drive, Mervyn Crossman Drive/Fairfield Waters Drive and Kokoda Street.

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Townsville Connection Road (Stuart Drive), Bowen Road Bridge (Idalia), duplicate bridge and approaches

The department is building a new upstream bridge over the Ross River in Townsville, adjacent to the existing Bowen Road Bridge. This will increase the capacity of the river crossing from 2 to 4 lanes.

Townsville Eastern Access Rail Corridor

Townsville Eastern Access Rail corridor

We are planning for the Townsville Eastern Access Rail Corridor (TEARC) project, a proposed 8.3km rail freight line connecting the North Coast rail line directly into the Port of Townsville.

Hervey Range Developmental Road interchange (looking north), photo shows two overpasses and traffic traveling across the overpasses and underneath

Townsville Ring Road (Stage 5)

The Townsville Ring Road Stage 5 project, a landmark initiative that has brought about substantial improvements in road safety, traffic flow and travel time predictability for both freight and passenger vehicles along the Bruce Highway in Townsville, has been completed.