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Department of Transport and Main Roads

New scheme trains volunteer marshals in traffic control for local events


Action 4.6: Investigate new model for control of traffic in very low risk road environments to reduce the cost and time burden for organisers of special events where there is a requirement to control traffic.

Lead agency: Department of Transport and Main Roads

Status: Complete


Community groups are now able to hold events more easily following the introduction of the Event Traffic Marshal scheme, which allows trained volunteers to do limited traffic control in low-speed, low-risk environments at permitted special events.

We introduced the scheme after it received overwhelmingly positive feedback during public and industry consultation.

Previously, all traffic management activities at events required accredited traffic controllers, or otherwise trained staff acting under the di­rection of police officers, which often resulted in significant costs to event organisers.

To enable this new volunteer traffic marshal role, changes were made to accreditation legislation and we developed operating policy, procedures and online training and assessment.

Already, 350 volunteers have successfully completed the online training and assessment to be a traffic marshal.

This scheme not only makes it much easier for local community and sporting groups to hold events safely, without additional cost, it also benefits individual volunteers who gain new skills and have more opportunities to be involved in events.

Next steps

We will follow up with community and sporting groups to assess the success of the scheme, and whether improvements can be made.

Last updated 25 August 2023