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Department of Transport and Main Roads

New guides support more riding more often


Action 2.11: Publish resource on bicycle education, promotion of cycling and behaviour change programs, using the lessons learned from the Active Towns Pilot Program.

Lead agency: Department of Transport and Main Roads

Status: Complete


Drawing from extensive research on the attitudes, behaviours, barriers and enablers that affect bicycle riding in Queensland, we published several resources to support more riding more often.

We published Rediscover Riding to educate new and existing riders. The guide aims to help parents to get their children started riding a bicycle safely and can also help new riders of any age.

We published the Bicycle Riding Encouragement Guide: Making the most of riding infrastructure in your community to provide practical guidance on implementing bicycle riding encouragement programs to make the most of cycling infrastructure.

We also published a summary report to share the learnings from our Active Towns Pilot Program, a Queensland Government initiative delivered in partnership with the communities of Gold Coast, Mackay and Cairns. From 2012 to 2015, the Active Towns Pilot Program combined delivery of active transport infrastructure with encouragement programs to improve awareness, attitudes and behaviours in each of the 3 pilot locations.

Next steps

We will promote and provide easy access to resources.

Last updated 25 August 2023