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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Supporting Queensland's sport and active recreation organisations


Action 2.4: Support Queensland-based state level sport and active recreation organisations—such as peak sport cycling bodies—through State Development Program grants to deliver statewide initiatives, services, and events to maximise participation and governance in sport and active recreation.

Lead agency: Department of Housing and Public Works

Status: Complete


Through funding for cycling organisations to hold a wide variety of participation initiatives, the Department of Housing and Public Works has helped encourage thousands of people to get on their bicycles.

Over 2017–19, we provided almost $960,000 under our State Development Program to Cycling Queensland, BMX Queensland, and Mountain Bike Australia.

This funding has supported a whole variety of bicycle riding activities aimed at every rider level—from beginner to advanced.

Events included a women and girls’ BMX participation program, various championships, including the Townsville Mountain Bike Festival, and come-and-try bicycle riding events that gave everyone a go at track riding.

The funding helped train mountain bike trail builders and instructors, and enabled the accreditation of almost 200 coaches, and 153 officials.

Funding has also supported the development of important strategies, including the Mountain Bike Strategy, which will guide future development and investment in infrastructure around the state.

By providing fun and safe outlets for bicycle riding, and making it accessible to new riders, this funding is helping thousands of Queenslanders discover the fun of riding bicycles.

Next steps

Activate! Queensland 2019 – 2029 released in July 2019, provides continued investment to the active industry to ensure high quality and inclusive participation opportunities exist for all Queenslanders to be active.

Last updated 25 August 2023