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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Research informs health and wellbeing campaigns


Action 2.9: Review available research to inform strategies, message selection and target audiences to increase physical activity levels of Queenslanders, including through walking and cycling.

Lead agency: Queensland Department of Health

Status: Complete


Encouraging people to walk and ride bicycles for transport and recreation helps in getting Queenslanders to be more physically active.

Queensland Department of Health has undertaken a comprehensive review (Chief Health Officer Report), which includes physical activity and body weight levels, trends and health implications for Queensland. In 2018, 60% of adults and 41% of children were sufficiently active. While 32% of adults and 66% of children were healthy weight. This report has informed the development of Queensland Government priorities, including Keep Queenslanders healthy (Our Future State priority) and Activate! Queensland 2019-2029.

The Department has also completed extensive market research in order to identify target audiences with positive intentions to change their behaviour to be healthier. This research informs the Healthier. Happier campaign, which shares practical tips and advice to encourage small but sustainable changes towards healthier lifestyles. Its key target behaviour for physical activity is less sitting, more moving. The research also helped inform the Find your happy healthy campaign, which includes further website content linking to walking and bicycle riding.

Parents were also surveyed to better understand the physical activity patterns of Queensland school children. On average, children are accumulating about 11 hours a week of physical activity, with 75% happening during free time and at school, and the remainder in club-based sport and as active travel. This research has been shared and its implications are being considered. Relevant research undertaken beyond the Department is also being reviewed.

Next steps

We will promote bicycle riding as part of health and wellbeing communications and campaigns, such as Healthier. Happier.

Last updated 25 August 2023