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Department of Transport and Main Roads

TRYathlon sponsorship helps over 5000 people cycle


Action 2.5: Publish principal cycle network maps for local governments in north-west Queensland to guide delivery of the transport network.

Lead agency: Department of Housing and Public Works

Status: Complete


With $210,000 of funding over 3 years for the Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlons, the Department of Housing and Public Works is helping kids discover how fun getting fit and active can be.

The TRYathlons focus on completing, rather than competing, giving participants a great sense of achievement, and helping to build their confidence. This includes an opportunity to ride a bicycle for fun from an early age.

Since 2018, our sponsorship supported TRYathlons in Townsville, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and Gold Coast, attracting more than 2,882 participants and then in 2019, 2,638 participants for a combined total of 5,520 over 2 years.

With $10,000 of funding for the Rats Cycling Club to run the 2019 Bayview Blast mountain bike race, the Department of Housing and Public Works helped provide participation opportunities to Queenslanders, attracting 704 participants across all age levels.

Next steps

More TRYathlons events will occur in 2020, sponsored by the Department. Other future sponsorship will be determined in Activate! Queensland 2019-2029.

Last updated 25 August 2023