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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Fauna Sensitive Transport Infrastructure Delivery manual

The Fauna Sensitive Transport Infrastructure Delivery manual provides evidence-based guidance for making roads and railways more wildlife-friendly. It is an easy to read and practical document that is helping the department meet legal requirements and achieve positive ecological outcomes. The manual is not a strict rulebook but offers best-practice and evidence-based guidelines that can be adapted to specific projects. By following its recommendations, the department can improve functional connectivity for native fauna, enhance biodiversity conservation, reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions, and manage fauna impacts cost-effectively. Additionally, this manual aligns with the department's environmental sustainability goals, supporting the use of sustainable practices and minimizing environmental impacts for current and future generations. 

The following is a summary of the of the Fauna Sensitive Transport Infrastructure Delivery manual chapters:

Chapters 9 - 21: Species profiles - Summary of the ecology and biology of species and species groups and specific advice on relevant impacts and effective mitigation techniques. Includes information on designs considerations that need to read in conjunction with Chapter 6 Mitigation.

The Amendment Register summarises significant changes over time. 

Last updated 28 June 2024